The King’s Court is a youth flag football and cheer league for children 4 years old thru the sixth grade. The program is designed to give children the opportunity to participate in a sporting program and enjoy the Christian environment at a local church. 

Each practice contains time for physical exercise and spiritual instruction. A Bible devotion is shared with all the children during each practice and at half-time of every game. Children are encouraged to memorize God’s Word and to share it with their family and friends.

Iron on stars are given to encourage positive character traits and scriptural principles of behavior. Each child receives a star after each practice and game. It is a joy to see uniforms being to fill up with this stars throughout the season.

At the end of the season, an Awards Program is held. Each child receives something to commemorate their participation in the King’s Court program.

 All children receive equal amounts of participation time and personal attention. Please contact us for further information about the King’s Court program. 


A mandatory sign up  day is scheduled for Saturday, July 22, 2023, for all participants. The sign ups begin at 11:00 am. Practices will begin on August 12, 2023 and games begin on Saturday, September 16, 2023. Everyone is invited to attend. There is no entry fee.  A concession stand is available during each game.


Registration forms are available at the church office. You may also pick one up on the mandatory sign up day where sample uniform sizes will also be available for proper fitting.